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This workout begins with the athlete on the finish mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move to the box to complete 15 box jump overs. Then move to the sandbag to perform 30 squats, advancing after 15 reps. The athlete will then move to the GHD to perform 45 sit-ups. Then advance to the barbell to perform 30 STOH. Then move to the bike to perform the division’s prescribed calories. The athlete will then work backwards through the chipper, performing 30 STOH, 45 GHD sit-ups, 30 sandbag squats (advancing after 15 reps) and finally 15 box jump overs. At the completion of the 15th box jump over the athlete will sprint to the finish. Time will stop when the athlete has reached the finish mat. 






This workout begins with the athlete on the finish mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move to the box to complete 15 box jump overs. Then move to the sandbag to perform 30 squats, advancing after 15 reps. The athlete will then move to the GHD to perform 45 sit-ups. Then advance to the barbell to perform 30 STOH. Then move to the bike to perform the division’s prescribed calories. The athlete will then work backwards through the chipper, performing 30 STOH, 45 GHD sit-ups, 30 sandbag squats (advancing after 15 reps) and finally 15 box jump overs. At the completion of the 15th box jump over the athlete will sprint to the finish. Time will stop when the athlete has reached the finish mat.





This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move to the DBs (1st round of DBs performed on the start mat) perform 10 DLs (Double DB), then move to the Erg to perform Cal Ski, advance to the HSW, 7.5mts down, 7.5mts back. Masters 45-49 & 50+ Females will HSW 7.5m total.  

The athlete will then move back to the DBs, advance the DB forward to the next section, and begin round 2.

The athlete will continue in this fashion for 5 rounds.

At the end of the last HSW in round 5, the athlete will sprint to the finish. Time will stop when the athlete has reached the finish mat.




This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move to the DBs (1st round of DBs performed on the start mat) perform 10 DLs (Double DB), then move to the Erg to perform Cal Ski, advance to the HSW, 7.5mts down, 7.5mts back. Masters 45-49 & 50+ Females will HSW 7.5m total.  

The athlete will then move back to the DBs, advance the DB forward to the next section, and begin round 2.

The athlete will continue in this fashion for 5 rounds.

At the end of the last HSW in round 5, the athlete will sprint to the finish. Time will stop when the athlete has reached the finish mat.




This workout consists of three sets of a 60 second window to complete as many attempts as possible until successful of a clean and jerk at the announced weight. There will be a 60 second loading window in between rounds. ODD and EVEN lanes will alternate their working and resting windows.  

This workout begins with all athletes on their respective platforms with an empty barbell. At the sound of the beep, there will be a 60 second loading window for all athletes to load the desired weight for the first round. At the sound of the next beep, the athlete in ODD lanes will have 60 seconds to attempt to perform one successful clean and jerk. At the completion of the 60 second window, athletes on ODD platforms will load their barbells for the next round and announce their weight. During this 60 second resting window, EVEN lanes will begin their first round and have 60 seconds to attempt to perform one successful clean and jerk. The athlete may attempt the clean and jerk as many times as possible within the window until successful but may not change the weight within that round. Additionally, an athlete may not reduce weight at any point.



This workout consists of three sets of a 60 second window to complete as many attempts as possible until successful of a clean and jerk at the announced weight. There will be a 60 second loading window in between rounds. ODD and EVEN lanes will alternate their working and resting windows.  

This workout begins with all athletes on their respective platforms with an empty barbell. At the sound of the beep, there will be a 60 second loading window for all athletes to load the desired weight for the first round. At the sound of the next beep, the athlete in ODD lanes will have 60 seconds to attempt to perform one successful clean and jerk. At the completion of the 60 second window, athletes on ODD platforms will load their barbells for the next round and announce their weight. During this 60 second resting window, EVEN lanes will begin their first round and have 60 seconds to attempt to perform one successful clean and jerk. The athlete may attempt the clean and jerk as many times as possible within the window until successful but may not change the weight within that round. Additionally, an athlete may not reduce weight at any point.



This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat (located by the Warm Up Area). At the sound of the beep, the athlete will complete a 5K run exiting Caja Magica, following the designated course and entering back into RUSTER ARENA crossing the finish line. This event has a 60:00 time cap. Time will stop when the athlete has crossed the finish line.



This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat (located by the Warm Up Area). At the sound of the beep, the athlete will complete a 5K run exiting Caja Magica, following the designated course and entering back into RUSTER ARENA crossing the finish line. This event has a 60:00 time cap. Time will stop when the athlete has crossed the finish line.




This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move to the HSPU wall and perform 30 HSPU. The athlete will then perform 3 of their prescribed rope climbs. The athlete will then run past the Iberus, turn around, and perform 8 Iberus flips (flipping towards the start mat). Once the 8 Iberus flips are completed, the athlete will move back to the rope to perform 2 of their prescribed rope climbs and then 5 Iberus flips (flipping towards the finish mat). Once the 5 Iberus flips are completed, the athlete will move back to the rope to perform 1 of their prescribed rope climbs and then a final 3 Iberus flips (flipping towards the finish mat). Once the final 3 Iberus flips are completed, the athlete will sprint to the finish mat. Time will stop when the athlete has reached the finish mat.




This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move to the HSPU wall and perform 30 HSPU. The athlete will then perform 3 of their prescribed rope climbs. The athlete will then run past the Iberus, turn around, and perform 8 Iberus flips (flipping towards the start mat). Once the 8 Iberus flips are completed, the athlete will move back to the rope to perform 2 of their prescribed rope climbs and then 5 Iberus flips (flipping towards the finish mat). Once the 5 Iberus flips are completed, the athlete will move back to the rope to perform 1 of their prescribed rope climbs and then a final 3 Iberus flips (flipping towards the finish mat). Once the final 3 Iberus flips are completed, the athlete will sprint to the finish mat. Time will stop when the athlete has reached the finish mat.





This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move to the Heavy Rope to perform 60 DU, then move to barbell to perform 15 Thrusters and 15 Bar Facing Burpees, at the end of BFB athlete will move Chesspiece forward to the designated section and run back to the rope to begin round 2. The athlete will continue in this fashion for rounds 2 and 3. At the completion of the burpees in round 3, the athlete will sprint to the finish. Time will stop when the athlete has reached the finish mat.




This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will move to the Heavy Rope to perform 60 DU, then move to barbell to perform 15 Thrusters and 15 Bar Facing Burpees, at the end of BFB athlete will move Chesspiece forward to the designated section and run back to the rope to begin round 2. The athlete will continue in this fashion for rounds 2 and 3. At the completion of the burpees in round 3, the athlete will sprint to the finish. Time will stop when the athlete has reached the finish mat.




This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will run to the rig to perform 42 of their prescribed pullups, then move to their barbell to perform 21 snatches. After 21 snatches the athlete will move the chess piece forward and go back to the rig to begin round 2. 

The athlete will continue in this fashion for round 2 (30 of their prescribed pull ups and 15 snatches) and finally for round 3 (18 of their prescribed pull ups and 9 snatches)

At the completion of the final set of snatches, the athlete will set the bar down in front of them, go over the bar and sprint to finish. Time will stop when the athlete has reached the finish mat.




This workout begins with the athlete on the start mat. At the sound of the beep, the athlete will run to the rig to perform 42 of their prescribed pullups, then move to their barbell to perform 21 snatches. After 21 snatches the athlete will move the chess piece forward and go back to the rig to begin round 2. 

The athlete will continue in this fashion for round 2 (30 of their prescribed pull ups and 15 snatches) and finally for round 3 (18 of their prescribed pull ups and 9 snatches)

At the completion of the final set of snatches, the athlete will set the bar down in front of them, go over the bar and sprint to finish. Time will stop when the athlete has reached the finish mat.