




  • Español


Legal advice

Information about the owner of the website

In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society and electronic commerce services, the following information is provided:

Owner of the website Hollow Pos, SL
Registered office San Gregorio, 30. 13500 Puertollano, CR
Tax ID B13550462
Telephone number 685 90 81 21
E-mail alfonso.chamorro@madridchampionship.com
Registered in EMPRESARIAL 967.2 Escuelas y Serv. Perfecc. Del deporte

Terms and Conditions of Use for the Website

1. Purpose and scope of application

This Legal Notice regulates access to, browsing and use of the Website www.madridchampionship.com (hereinafter, “the Website”), as well as the responsibilities derived from using its contents (understanding “contents” as texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sound, databases, images, expressions and information, as well as any other creation protected by national laws and international treaties on intellectual and industrial property). Furthermore, a “User” is understood as a person who accesses, browses or uses the services and activities, free or paid, developed on the Website.

It will be understood that access to or the mere use of the Website by the User implies their adherence to the Terms and Conditions contained in this Legal Notice and published at all times and they undertake to observe and strictly comply with the provisions herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable, thus being obliged to make correct use of the Website. The user will be liable to Hollow Pos, SL or to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of the breach of this obligation. As a consequence of this, the User is invited to carefully read this Legal Notice from time to time.

The purpose of this Legal Notice is not to regulate any contractual aspects relating to the provision by Hollow Pos, SL of its specific services, and is limited to being the legal framework for the use of and access to the Website.

2. Access to and use of the Website

Access to the Website by Users is absolutely free of charge.

All information provided by the User through the Website, for example in the “Contact us” section, which contains personal data, will be subject to our Privacy Policy.With regard to the information provided by the User, they will be responsible for ensuring that this information is reliable, complete and accurate.

Access to, browsing and use of the Website is the User’s responsibility, therefore, they undertake to diligently observe any additional instructions given by Hollow Pos, SL regarding the use of the Website and its contents, and to not use Hollow Pos, SL’s service nor its contents in any way that is not expressly authorised by these Conditions.

By accessing and using the Website, the User accepts the contents of these Conditions. In particular, the User will refrain from.

  1. Using the contents included on the Website for purposes or intentions contrary to the law, morals and generally accepted good customs or public order.
  2. Reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing access to the public through any form of public communication, transforming or modifying the content, unless authorisation has been received from the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
  3. Using the contents and, in particular, the information obtained through the Website for advertising purposes;
  4. Providing any personal information about them or relating to the use of and access to the Website that is false or has been illegally obtained.
  5. Creating any link to this Website from any other website without the prior and express consent of the owner of this Website.

3. System Ownership Rights

Hollow Pos, SL is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights over the Website, including the domain name and all the contents available through it. Under no circumstance will it be understood that the User merely accessing or browsing the Website implies any type of whole or partial transfer, license or assignment of these rights by Hollow Pos, SL in favour of the User, nor that the User is authorised to use or exploit these rights publicly.

It is completely forbidden to suppress or manipulate the copyright reservation notice and any other identification or recognition data on the exclusive ownership of the rights of Hollow Pos, SL relating to the Website or the protected contents thereon.

It is also strictly forbidden to reproduce, distribute, publicly communicate, reuse, extract, send by mail, modify or in any way publicly use all or part of the contents included on the Website.

4. Responsibilities and Guarantees

Hollow Pos, SL diligently manages the Website and, therefore, seeks to keep the information about all services it offers complete and accurate at all times, updating it frequently. However, it is possible that there occasionally may be some discordance between the information offered on the Website and the reality of the service actually provided. For this reason, the User is invited to regularly visit the Website. Therefore, the owner of this Website is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, suffered as a result of decisions taken on the basis of the information available on their Website; furthermore, the Website and its contents may be varied, modified and/or deleted at any time without the legal requirement for prior notice.

Hollow Pos, SL has adopted the relevant measures at all times, in accordance with the state of the art known at all times, to guarantee the proper functioning of the Website and prevent the existence of viruses or computer programs that may cause damage to Users.

However, computer security is not infallible and is exposed to certain risks as a consequence of the inevitable activity carried out by hackers and virus programmers or harmful programs. Therefore, despite the fact that Hollow Pos, SL makes every effort to avoid these types of programs, and updates its computer security at all times, Hollow Pos, SL cannot guarantee nor is it responsible for the damages suffered by the User as a result of.

  1. Failures or interruptions to the Website service;
  2. Viruses or computer programs or any elements designed for a cyber attack or to infiltrate the User’s computer systems that, inadvertently, may have been installed on to them thanks to or as a result of the User accessing the Website;
  3. The possible vulnerability of the Website and the security measures adopted on it.
  4. Likewise, it is not responsible for possible damages that could arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of electronic or computer systems, caused by factors beyond the control of the owner of this Website, or for delays or blockages in the use of such systems caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines, overloads in the Internet system, or in other electronic systems.

5. Links to other websites

On the Website, the User may find links to other Applications or Websites managed by third parties, such as social networks for example; Hollow Pos, SL does not have the authority to control all information or content provided by third parties, therefore, it cannot assume any type of responsibility for the quality and reliability thereof, for the veracity or suitability of the content offered or for any loss, direct or indirect, caused as a result of decisions taken on the basis of the information available on such websites.

The establishment of any type of link from the Website to another third party website does not imply that there is any type of relationship, collaboration or dependency between Hollow Pos, SL and the party responsible for said Website, but the presence of these links on this Website has an informative purpose, not constituting in any case an invitation or recommendation to the contracting of products or services offered on the target website, and in no case implies support to the persons or entities that have created such content or owners of the sites where they are located. In this way, the owner of this Website is not responsible for the content and availability of the Websites to which it links outside its page, or for any damage or loss that may arise from the connection or by the use of any content, product or services available on the Websites to which the links are addressed.

6. Duration and Modification

Hollow Pos, SL may modify this Legal Notice, in whole or in part, publishing any change in the same way as these general conditions.

Hollow Pos, SL will also do everything possible to guarantee the continuity of the service and the functioning of the Website. However, and to the extent permitted by law, Hollow Pos, SL may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without the need to give prior notice, access to the contents of the Website, with no possibility for the User to demand any compensation, either due to technical difficulties or for maintenance.

7. Nullity Declaration

The possible declaration of nullity of any of the provisions set forth in this Legal Notice will not reach other provisions not affected by it.

8. Applicable Law. Competent Jurisdiction

This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish law, without prejudice to the Website being governed by any other regulation issued by the competent authority.

Any discrepancy between the User and Hollow Pos, SL regarding the validity and applicability of any provision contained in this Legal Notice will be judicially resolved in accordance with the competition rules established in the applicable regulations.