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Get ready for an epic experience at the MAD FITNESS FESTIVAL! In the MAD LIFT UP CLASSIC, we invite you to participate in our featured weightlifting competition: Discover two exciting categories where you can demonstrate your strength and dedication!

– Individual Category: (female and male) Aimed at federated athletes, this category offers a unique opportunity to compete for federated athletes. Participants will be evaluated through the Sinclair scoring system, ensuring a fair and challenging competition.

– Mixed Pairs Category: Open to all fitness and weightlifting enthusiasts, this category encourages teamwork and camaraderie. Join your training partner and face the challenge together! As in the individual category, the score will be calculated according to the Sinclair system.

Whether you are an experienced athlete or are taking your first steps in Weightlifting, this competition is for you! It’s your chance to surpass yourself, connect with other fitness enthusiasts and live an unforgettable experience.

Are you ready to accept the challenge? Register now and secure your place. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this unique event at the MAD FITNESS FESTIVAL!